Poetry in Motion

Poems created for and from the worship of Jesus, but relating to an array of matters that may or may not be 'church-centric'. If any of the scribblings on this site have interested you and you would like to discuss them further, perhaps would like hard copies, then please use the 'comment' forums at the end of each post (providing contact details) and I will do my best to reply.

Saturday, March 11, 2006


You feel hurt
yet hurt to feel.
In the end, is the yin
worth the yang?

Crying tears of joy?
Still crying.
Looks like
once again,
this world of extremes
has you.

The black fact
is that
you can’t
escape the hate.
It will find you.
Oh yes!

What do you do
when it comes for you?
Will you run and hide
or hide your running?

A figure passes by;
her eyes a murky shade of grey.
But her conclusion
was never meant to be in the middle.
It lay somewhere
on an extreme.

These extremes
of black and white.

Sad to say
but she lay
crying away
her yesterdays.

Yesterdays… full of fear
to live to see
another day
in this cinema world
we live in.

But she is alive.
Even in the noir,
is there not colour,
not hope?

Is the breath alone,
escaping her lips
with eager tension
not enough to persuade
her never to fade?

Fading to grey.
Not a good thing
in this noir world.

Life is all,
always ‘til the end,
black and whites.

It’s how we deal with them
that is the movie.

Do you like happy endings?

Matt K, 2004


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