Poetry in Motion

Poems created for and from the worship of Jesus, but relating to an array of matters that may or may not be 'church-centric'. If any of the scribblings on this site have interested you and you would like to discuss them further, perhaps would like hard copies, then please use the 'comment' forums at the end of each post (providing contact details) and I will do my best to reply.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Listen Hear

Why can’t you hear the words
so boldly spoken,
dripping like wet ashes
from a cold and crystal tongue?

My heart does wrench,
unflatteringly so.
To ridicule and idiocy
my reputation does go.

Because I stick my feet in the ground
and do what’s right.
I never move, I never surrender,
instead I turn and constantly fight.

But now, after all these years,
I look back and everything seems hollow.
Listen here,
and hear this,
because after all these years,
all I can see is an empty seat.

My conscious haze repels
at the thought that you’ve done wrong.
I can’t believe it even now,
when all seems to say the different.

So what is truth,
My Love?
Am I to believe in the face of coldness and shame
that not you, but I, am to blame
after all these years of attempted loyalty
and curse?
Tell me the worth
of all of these sacrifices I made for you
because at this moment,
it all seems so hollow.

All my life seems to be
is my backside placed on an empty seat
in an empty four walls
and many empty promises
and empty feelings.

Sitting, remembering all the people in my life,
loving and tending,
and yet, it still feels all so empty.

A lone figure, sitting in the white.

Matt K, 2005


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