Welcome to Poetry in Motion!
Here are the rules of conduct:
1) Feel free to distribute any of these poems as you please as long as you produce them exactly how they are presented here and with links to this original site (http://themotion.blogspot.com).
2) They are never used for any kind of profit without prior permission. I may let them be used for charitable use but I didn't write these poems for financial purposes. All I want for them is to bless people of all places, races and ages. I don't want them to be exploitative. I may in the future charge small costs for stuff like publication costs (should these poems actually ever get published - that would be an amazing honour beyond my dreams) or the like, but for now (and the future) I want these poems to remain true to their original aim - to be available for all, and I don't want the pound or dollar ever getting in anybody's way.
3) I am given proper accreditation. Just because the poems are here for free download and consumption, please don't take advantage and plagarise. I wouldn't recommend it anyway, as I have ways of proving these poems were mine (protected backups, etc.). Some of these poems have very personal significance for me and it would be hurtful if somebody tries to take advantage of that. So please, don't.
4) Please suggest changes to the poems through the 'Comments' forums here. I will definitely accept criticism as I don't know everything about poetry or even grammar at all. I would love input, even if it's just asking what something means in some of the things I have said (some is deliberately left vague, however).
5) Feel free to get me any kind of publicity you can muster - I'd muchly appreciate for those in churches, if you can direct your congregations to this site. The poetry definitely has a specifically Christian spin but some, such as Noir are nothing at all to do with 'church' and are aimed at people who don't go to church, per se. So please bear that in mind.
6) I am on a journey. If I make a doctrinal statement in one poem, it may not be how I think now. On the other hand, it may be. But however it is now, it meant something to me then. If I said downright heretical things but have come through that period, I want other people also struggling that there is light at the end of the tunnel and you can get through it also. So to save myself embarrasment, I will post dates on the poems to give you an idea what mindset I was writing in. It'd be interesting to compare these things with my other blog - http://mckaysmissives.blogspot.com.
If you've gotten this far, I'd just love to say how awesome a privilege it is for me to post anything here and for anybody to read it. Poetry writing is a dream of mine; I'd love to write poems and stories as a full-time job, but I believe I am called to other things so a creative outlet like this will have to do. For me, this is an immense privilege and I hope you enjoy travelling this journey with me.
God Bless,
-Matt K.
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