Poetry in Motion

Poems created for and from the worship of Jesus, but relating to an array of matters that may or may not be 'church-centric'. If any of the scribblings on this site have interested you and you would like to discuss them further, perhaps would like hard copies, then please use the 'comment' forums at the end of each post (providing contact details) and I will do my best to reply.

Friday, March 10, 2006

The Prophet's Hourglass

A ship passes
in the cool winter breeze,
lost aside the noontide,
consigned to already yesterday…

This is the sand that drains
in the dreams
of the prophet,
holding his hourglass.

The future is possible,
and even profitable…

But are these profits,
these goals, these desires
worth accosting at the cost
of the memoirs of the mind?

Is it worth leaving it all behind?

The hourglass is empty
but the sand the prophet sees still.
Like all men of wisdom,
he remembers and retains
although desolate his dreams
of yesterday remain.

Matt K, Summer 2005


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